Adding Dark Mode
Published Sat Feb 17 2024 Updated Wed Feb 21 2024When I published this I wasn’t sure what to write here. So I added dark mode to the site :)
I am using TailwindCSS dark mode which is set up to check your device’s theme preference. Once enabled, I just had to add a dark:
equivalent color for all my styles. For example, text-rosePineDawn-text
gains dark:text-rosePineMoon-text
to apply my dark mode palette in dark mode.
Conditional CSS Import
The most difficult part was adding a conditional import for my prism css theme. This is important because it sets the colors for my code blocks with syntax highlighting. Reading the @import
docs made me rule out a CSS solution pretty quick since @import
statements must be at the top of the file and cannot be nested. Turns out there is a syntax to merge the two! Adding these lines to my app.css
handles loading a dark mode stylesheet:
@import 'rosePine-light-prism.css' screen;
@import 'rosePine-dark-prism.css' screen and (prefers-color-scheme: dark);
This solution is elegant and does exactly what you want it to. Before I landed here I had a mess of Svelte code that was handling these imports. The big issue with this approach (aside from not being 2 lines long) is it would load both stylesheets instead of just one.
<script lang="ts">
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import LightPrismTheme from '$lib/light-prism-theme.svelte';
import DarkPrismTheme from '$lib/dark-prism-theme.svelte';
let theme = 'light';
onMount(() => {
theme = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches ? 'dark' : 'light';
{#if theme === 'light'}
<LightPrismTheme />
<DarkPrismTheme />
The <LightPrismTheme/>
and dark theme loader are simply scripts for importing css:
import '../rosePine-light-prism.css';